Meet Doug

Hi! I’m Doug Berg.

In 2017, I retired from 37 years as a professor and administrator in three post-secondary schools.  I was looking forward to retirement, so I was surprised at how unsettling this transition became. 

After the initial year or two, I questioned my purpose in life. I also felt the loss of a team of co-workers. I realized others had similar experiences concerning retirement.  With my leadership and coaching skills, I looked for retirement resources.

Now, it’s my privilege to act as a retirement coach, assisting others in anticipating the transition and thinking through who they are and where they might want to connect in retirement.  I founded Retirement Thinking so individuals and couples would intentionally think about a purposeful path forward.

I live in Abbotsford BC with my wife. We have three married sons and nine grandchildren.

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My education:
My degrees include a BEd, MA, MTS, MEd, PhD and I am a Certified Professional Retirement Coach. 

“Doug brings significant experience as a teacher into his role as a coach.  With these skills, he effectively facilitated my own reflection and understanding with helpful questions and genuine care.  These coaching sessions have been very helpful in identifying the values and priorities which can shape my retirement.  I will now be able to prepare better and take steps that can bring focus to my retirement years.”


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